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Whatever Is True

“Write what is true” I exhale at the keyboard waiting for divine inspiration to strike. But the truth is….I’m irritable and tired. I want to write something encouraging for moms in light of Mother’s Day that is also not completely cliche. I DON’T want to talk about politics (or hear or read about them for that matter) but if I am being honest, it’s what is plaguing me the most.

I want to be a voice of truth amidst so much murkiness that exists in our current culture. I want to be a beacon of light and love amidst so much vile and anger and hatred. How do I marry the two without softening truth too much or withholding love? It’s a delicate balance and I walk that tight rope every time I sit down at my computer.

This is my encouragement and my meager offering in this season

I want to write something lyrical and idyllic about life in this season with young kids. Something that resonates with countless other women all simultaneously nodding their heads in agreement.  I want to make light of the chronic exhaustion I experience these days through witty retorts and humorous anecdotes of my youngest insisting to bring everything but the kitchen sink into the crib with him each night. And share something sentimental about how quickly my oldest is growing and changing and what a gift it is to have a front row seat to witness it.

I want you to read these words and feel equal parts sentimental and uplifted, encouraged and called up. I want my words to matter, to slice through the digital world currently being infiltrated by heated opinions and lines in the sand to share a message of unity and hope. I want you to walk away feeling more connected to the human race, more compassionate for those you may disagree with, more resolved to find common ground and unity despite it all. I want you to feel seen and slightly more known. To feel the tension ease ever so slightly from those shoulders and for you to be excited about life again.

But those desires are a tall order for one little post written by a single sinner just over here collecting her new morning mercies like rain in a bucket. No, I don’t suppose there is much that can be said that hasn’t already been said in some form or fashion, either in this space or another, that could mend what’s broken in the world; that could make a tired mom feel seen or a grieving one held. 

So, I will tell moms that they are needed and loved and that their role matters. I will tell women who are struggling to get pregnant that they are also needed and loved and this season is not in vain. I will tell those who have lost mothers or wives or children that the world still needs them and God still loves them and the sun will shine again.

I will keep sharing truths that we all know and have heard a million times in a million different ways, because it doesn’t make them any less true. And sometimes we just need to be reminded on a Friday at approximately 1:14pm that what we are doing here on this earth matters and to stay the course.

This is my encouragement and my meager offering in this season — sit in God’s truths until you feel the lies seep off your back like a hot shower, grieve your losses but keep fighting for joy and never lose hope that it gets better, show kindness to a human whom you disagree strongly with and even dare to take a walk in their shoes. Walk through this life seeing it as the tremendous gift that it is, breathing in all the colors and variety as though they exist just for you. Collect moments of joy like fireflies in a mason jar. Keep a gratitude journal of all the ways you’ve seen God’s goodness. 

And always be on the lookout for whatever is true.