40 Rules To Live By

We live in a world where the rules are always changing. What is morally and socially acceptable today may be scrutinized and condemned a year from now. Without an anchor to keep us grounded, our ships will continue to be tossed about by life and circumstance.

If you are looking for truth in your own life, start by opening your Bible. Many of these rules, I (Alyssa) have come up with, are in some shape or fashion straight out of the pages of God’s Word. I have failed all of them and many I am still working to achieve, but I’ll never stop striving to be this kind of person.

Fair warning—this list contains some unpopular opinions. It’s okay if we disagree. And feel free to share some of your own rules to live by.

  1. Have no one in your life you wish ill on. Don’t harbor resentment or unforgiveness, so far as you are able.

  2. Before you’re tempted to gossip, ask yourself, “would I say this about that person if they were in the room?”

  3. Brag on your spouse when you’re not together.

  4. Go out of your way to be kind to people who you can gain nothing from.

  5. When you’re feeling stagnant or discontent, serve someone else.

  6. Find things to be grateful for every day, no matter how difficult the season you are in.

  7. Say I’m sorry often and mean it.

  8. Don’t demonize those you disagree with. Real life stories aren’t always about the protagonist and the antagonist. Just sinners called to love like Jesus.

  9. Take a weekly sabbath.

  10. If you collect anything, collect moments. And collect them often.

11. Take regular breaks from social media.

12. The mind and body are interconnected. Sign up for therapy, go for the run, take the vitamins. Nourish both your soul and your body—they need each other.

13. Work to always stay soft to conviction. The more we ignore it, the quieter the voice of the Holy Spirit becomes.

14. What we say no to is just as important as what we say yes to. Our “no’s” inform our “yeses”

15. Be careful not to idolize the very instruments God has given you to worship Him with. You are NOT your gifting.

16. Be a life-giver, not a life-taker. The tongue holds the power of life and death.

17. Laugh every single day.

18. Spend time outside barefoot.

19. Read the ingredients label. And know what toxins to look for.

20. Always have someone you’re pouring into and someone who is pouring into you.

21. Talk to God throughout the day. An open line of communication keeps the intimacy strong.

22.Memorize scripture now. It will be your weapon in hard seasons.

23. Enter church on Sunday morning already in a worship mindset. The first song is not meant to get you warmed you up.

24. Pray blessings over the people you are jealous of. And watch what happens to your own heart.

Never pass up an opportunity to dance. Unless it’s with a creep.
Never dance with a creep.

25. Do something that scares you regularly.

26. Learn to be generous in seasons of little. You’re not going to start giving once you get the promotion if you haven’t already made it a habit.

27. Never stop dating your spouse.

28. Schedule the people in your life. It doesn’t make them an obligation, it makes them a priority.

29. Before making the comment or doing the thing, ask yourself “is this beneficial?”

30. Travel if you’re able. And when you do, try to see things through the eyes of a local, not a tourist.


31. Visit your grandparents. And ask them lots of questions.

32. Never pass up an opportunity to dance. Unless it’s with a creep. Never dance with a creep.

33. Read your Bible every day. It is your lifeline.

34. Rid yourself of toxic people, but also always be working to rid yourself from toxic mindsets.

35. Don’t be afraid to be the outcast. Jesus was.

36. Tell the people you love that you love them. Often. Give them their flowers before their funeral.

37. Don’t make life decisions based on shame or fear.

38. Don’t assume you know their story. Aim to listen first.

39. Raise your kids to be kind. They are the hope of our future.

40. Love your neighbor as yourself. That means loving others AND loving yourself.
