Summer Under The Stars

My mom turned 60 at the beginning of the summer and her one request was an evening under the stars surrounded by some of her favorite people. We spent the weeks leading up staining old wood, having a new fence installed, potting plants, and fixing up the backyard. On the day of the event, I kicked my mom out of her house so the final reveal would be a surprise. Sweet friends showed up all throughout the day to move tables, set out decorations, set up the dessert table, and help things run smoothly. Matt spent most of the day creating an intimate stage and adjusting sound for a private concert. Our tribe showed up big and because of it we were able to celebrate big.

Here are some of our favorite moments from that warm June night. And here is the takeaway (because you know I have to throw a life lesson in there somewhere): don’t be afraid to ask for a birthday party. Slow down long enough to count your blessings + celebrate the little and big moments sprinkled throughout your life. Gather often with the people you love and let their laughter wash away all of your worries for an evening. Hang twinkle lights in your backyard. Invite the neighbors. Pour a glass of something smooth. And make time for things that fill your soul. Because those are the things you are going to remember.